JSMO 公益社団法人 日本臨床腫瘍学会




JSMO/ASCO Young Oncologist Workshop2024 開催報告

2024年8月11日(日)・12日(月・祝)にJSMO/ASCO Young Oncologist Workshop 2024が開催されました。
 このWorkshopは米国臨床腫瘍学会(American Society of Clinical Oncology:ASCO)と共同で開催され,ASCOからの招聘講師を含む講師陣からのレクチャーや,選考によって選ばれた受講者によるプレゼンテーション,グループディスカッションなどが行われました。前回開催(2020年2月)から約4年半ぶりの開催となりましたが,質疑応答では時間内に収まらないほど多くの受講者から手が挙がるなど,これまでと同様に積極的にご参加いただきました。



  • Pasi Janne(ASCO,Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)
  • Christian U. Blank(ASCO,The Netherlands Cancer Institute)
  • 中島 貴子(JSMO,京都大学大学院医学研究科 早期医療開発学)
  • 浜本 隆二(JSMO,国立がん研究センター研究所 医療AI研究開発分野)


  • 南 博信(理事長,神戸大学大学院医学研究科 腫瘍・血液内科)
  • 瀧川 奈義夫(教育委員長,川崎医科大学総合医療センター 内科)
  • 米盛 勧(国際委員長,国立がん研究センター中央病院 乳腺科・腫瘍内科)
  • 安藤 雄一(名古屋大学医学部附属病院 化学療法部)
  • 衣斐 寛倫(愛知県がんセンター ゲノム医療センター)
  • 川上 尚人(近畿大学病院 腫瘍内科)
  • 上月 稔幸(四国がんセンター 臨床研究センター)
  • 高橋 雅信(東北大学大学院医学系研究科 臨床腫瘍学分野)
  • 高橋 侑子(岡山大学病院 乳腺・内分泌外科)
  • 細野 奈穂子(福井大学医学部附属病院 血液・腫瘍内科)
  • 槇本 剛(岡山大学病院 呼吸器・アレルギー内科)
  • 山口 享子(九州大学病院 血液・腫瘍・心血管内科)
  • 温泉川 真由(がん研究会有明病院 総合腫瘍科 兼 婦人科)


(Day 1)
Program Speaker Chairs
8:20~8:25 Greeting JSMO President Dr.Hironobu Minami
8:25~8:35 Introductions JSMO Chair Dr.Nagio Takigawa
8:35~8:55 Self-Assessment Exercise Dr.Go Makimoto
Dr.Kyoko Yamaguchi
8:55~9:35 Lecture 1: Precision Medicine Dr.Pasi Janne Dr.Toshiyuki Kozuki
9:35~10:05 Q & A
10:05~10:20 Coffee Break (15 min)
10:20~11:00 Lecture 2: Artificial Intelligence Dr.Ryuji Hamamoto Dr.Naoko Hosono
11:00~11:30 Q & A
11:30~12:10 Lecture 3: Immunology Dr.Christian U. Blank Dr.Hisato Kawakami
12:10~12:40 Q & A
12:40~13:40 Lunch Break(60 min)
13:40~14:40 Presentation of My Research by Trainees
(3 selected papers: Q&A)
Dr.Yu Fujiwara
Dr.Takuro Saiki
Dr.Hitomi Sakai
Dr.Kan Yonemori
Dr.Christian U. Blank
14:40~14:55 Coffee Break (15 min)
14:55~15:55 Mentoring Clinic –
Review and critique of current
projects on the 3 selected papers:
Group work
15:55~16:05 Break (10 min)
16:05~16:45 Summary of Discussion by Trainee
Advice by faculty
Faculty/Attendees Dr.Toshiyuki Kozuki
Dr.Yuko Takahashi
16:45~16:55 Break (10 min)
16:55~17:55 Short Presentation/Discussion Faculty/Attendees
(Day 2)
Program Speaker Chairs
8:00~8:40 Lecture 4: Clinical trial Dr.Takako Nakajima Dr.Masanobu Takahashi
8:40~9:10 Q & A
9:10~10:10 Presentation of My Research by
Trainees(3 selected papers: Q & A)
Dr.Masayuki Ueno
Dr.Noriko Wada
Dr.Kazuya Nishii
Dr.Yuichi Ando
Dr.Pasi Janne
10:10~10:25 Coffee Break (15 min)
10:25~11:25 Mentoring Clinic –
Review and critique of current projects
on the 3 selected papers:Group work
11:25~11:35 Break (10 min)
11:35~12:15 Summary of Discussion by Trainee
Advice by faculty
Faculty/Attendees Dr.Hiromichi Ebi
Dr.Mayu Yunokawa
12:15~12:45 Post Evaluation Exercise /
Needs Assessment Discussion
Dr.Go Makimoto
Dr.Kyoko Yamaguchi
12:45~ Farewells JSMO President Dr.Hironobu Minami


■Lecture,Q & A

■Presentation of My Research by Trainees

■Short Presentation





If YOW will be held again in the future, do you want to participate in it?

(Answer = Want to participate)

  • I think it is a good opportunity to practice English.
  • It is interesting to discuss each study in groupwork.
  • Need my brush up.
  • English question time enabled me to learn a lot.
  • Nicer if I’ve obtained more experience in the limited field and research.
  • I got so motivated by other participants.
  • It is helpful for trial design and idea.

(Answer = Will not participate)

  • Preparation was so hard that I had to spend a lot of time being nervous.

Please feel free to give us your comments or suggestions for YOW. (If any)

  • As I came from Okayama, I needed to stay the night before, so a slightly later start time would be appreciated.
  • It was a good choice for me to participate in YOW. I was surprised that other doctors spoke English very fluently.
  • I learned a lot. Thank you so much for organizing such a meaningful workshop.
  • I wish I had known in advance that there would be a very meaningful and “intense” discussion.
  • If possible, I wanted to get some information to prepare the discussion.
  • I was happy to have a discussion with medical students and young residents. I enjoyed YOW very much. Thank you!!
  • The chance of discussion in English is quite important.
  • Interaction with other groups and feedback from tutors.
  • I would like to talk with more ASCO members. Snacks and coffee are good for my concentration and relaxation.