JSMO 公益社団法人 日本臨床腫瘍学会




JSMO/ASCO Young Oncologist Workshop 2018 開催報告

※2018.5.17 一部記載に誤りがございました。お詫びして訂正いたします。

2018年2月9日(金)・10日(土)に東北大学東京分室(@サピアタワー)においてJSMO/ASCO Young Oncologist Workshop 2018が開催されました。
このWorkshopは米国臨床腫瘍学会(American Society of Clinical Oncology:ASCO)と共同で開催され,ASCOからの招聘講師6名を中心とした講師陣からのレクチャーや,受講者によるプレゼンテーション,4グループに分かれてのグループディスカッションなど,盛りだくさんのプログラムでした。質疑応答では時間内におさまらないほど受講者から手が挙がり,休憩時間中も講師と交流する姿が多くみられました。


(Day 1)
Program Speaker Chairs
8:20~8:35 Introductions Introductions JSMO Chair & ASCO Chair
8:35~8:55 Self-Assessment Exercise Faculty/Attendees
8:55~9:35 Lecture 1: Design and Conduct of
Clinical Trails of Precision Medicine
Dr. Daniel Hayes Dr.Chikashi Ishioka
10:05~10:20 Coffee Break (15 min)
10:20~11:00 Lecture 2: Strategies,Biomarkers and Endpoints
for Phase I and II Trials
Dr. Lillian Siu Dr.Hideki Shimodaira
11:00~11:30 Q & A
11:30~12:10 Lecture 3: Ongoing Development of
Small Molecule Inhibitors
Dr. Pasi Janne Dr.Hidekazu Shirota
12:10~12:40 Q & A
12:40~13:40 Lunch Break and Poster Viewing
13:40~14:20 Lecture 4: Cancer Immunology and
Future Direction of Immune (Checkpoint) Therapy
Dr. Hiroyoshi Nishikawa Dr.Toshiyuki Kozuki
14:20~14:50 Q & A
14:50~16:00 Presentation of My Research by Trainees
(4 selected papers: Q&A)
Jo Ishizawa
Chiaki Inagaki
Keigo Komine
Tomohiro Kadota
Dr.Daniel Hayes
Dr.Chikashi Ishioka
16:10~16:20 Sum up
16:20~16:35 Coffee Break (15 min)
Mentoring Clinic – Review and critique of
current projects on the 4 selected papers: Group work
Dr.Daniel Hayes
Dr.Chikashi Ishioka
16:35~17:35 Group work Faculty/Attendees
17:30~17:45 Break (10 min)
17:45~18:25 Summary of Discussion by Trainee (5min)×4
Advice by ASCO faculty (5min)×4
18:25~18:35 Meeting Adjourned ASCO Chair & JSMO Chair
19:00~21:00 Dinner
(Day 2)
Program Speaker Chairs
8:00~8:40 Lecture 5: What’s going on Cancer Precision Medicine? Dr. James Ford Dr.Masanobu Takahashi
8:40~9:10 Q & A
9:10~9:50 Lecture 6: What Changes by Liquid Biopsy? Dr. Maximilian Diehn Dr.Hisato Kawakami
9:50~10:20 Q & A
10:20~10:35 Coffee Break (15 min)
10:35~11:15 Lecture 7: When Does Era of Big Data Oncology Come? Dr. Peter Yu Dr.Naoko Hosono
11:15~11:45 Q & A
11:45~12:25 Lecture 8: Cancer Epigenetics as
a Target of Diagnosis and Treatment
Dr. Atsushi Kaneda Dr.Hiromichi Ebi
12:25~12:55 Q & A
12:55~13:55 Lunch Break and Poster Viewing
13:55~15:05 Presentation of My Research by Trainees
(4 selected papers: Q&A)
Eri Matsuki
Kenji Tsuchihashi
Chihiro Kondoh
Yoshiro Nakahara
Dr.Daniel Hayes
Dr.Yuichi Ando
15:15~15:25 Sum up
15:25~15:40 Coffee Break (15 min)
Mentoring Clinic – Review and critique of
current projects on the 4 selected papers: Group work
Dr.Daniel Hayes
Dr.Yuichi Ando
15:40~16:40 Group work Faculty/Attendees
16:40~16:50 Break (10 min)
16:50~17:30 Summary of Discussion by Trainee (5min)×4
Advice by ASCO faculty (5min)×4
17:30~18:00 Post Evaluation Exercise / Needs Assessment Discussion ASCO Chair & JSMO Chair
18:00~18:20 Meeting Adjourned ASCO Chair & JSMO Chair
18:20~ Farewells








If YOW will be held again in the future, do you want to participate in it?

(Answer = Want to participate)

  • This workshop was really informative and helpful to learn how to conduct clinical trial.
  • Definitely! This was one of the best workshops I’ve ever participated.
  • I am pleased to participate in YOW again because YOW is really wonderful opportunity to learn how to plan research and clinical trial.
  • It’s very good opportunities.
  • If I become older than 40 years, I’d like to attend as a facilitator.
  • That’s excellent experience. Especially talking directly to famous doctors.

Please provide any other comments or suggestions on the sessions. (If any)

  • All of lectures are really informative for me.
  • Every lecture was very meaningful and informative.
  • Every session is great. And good for updating our knowledge.
  • I would like to talk to lecturers more. I really enjoyed this YOW2018. Thank you so much!
  • I would like to join if this workshop will be held in the future again.

Please feel free to give us your comments or suggestions for JSMO. (If any)

  • Lectures were brilliant (more than I expected).
    If possible, I would like to create a study protocol from bigining with the mentors.
    And, I would be grateful if JSMO give trainees (of this workshop) funding support to run each trials.
  • I think this program should be held annually.
  • As I will join the clinical research from this April, I would like to make use of this experience. I will keep doing my best so that I can make a presentation next time. Thank you very much.
  • I really enjoyed the workshop. I appreciate to everyone who tried to have this opportunity.


I would just like to express once again ASCO’s appreciation to JSMO for their thinking of us as a collaborator on this important initiative, and for the excellent planning and implementation of a very important and beneficial meeting. We will look forward to doing this again!


I also want to, again, acknowledge each of you who served as faculty. Chikashi made me sit in the front row throughout the 2 days, so I actually listened and learned!! Great job.
I echo Lillian’s perception of the enthusiasm of the “students.” That made our job even more easy.
I look forward to ongoing JSMO/ASCO collaborations in this initiative – it will only get even better!


Thanks for a fantastic meeting – I must admit that this has been one of the most interactive meetings with young investigators I have participated in and they are so engaged, enthusiastic and curious. Thank you both JSMO and ASCO for organizing this and I am so glad to be a part of it.




今回2日間で、①若手の先生が非常に積極的で刺激を受けるとともによい交流になった、②lectureは知識の整理にもなり、自分としても勉強になった、③全体の人数もそれほど多くない会のため、ASCO facultyともゆっくり話すことができ、今後の研究の参考にもなった、と考えています。

