JSMO 公益社団法人 日本臨床腫瘍学会



2021年度 受賞者



Annals of Oncology賞
氏名 ご所属 対象論文
原谷 浩司 近畿大学医学部 腫瘍内科

Tumor immune microenvironment and nivolumab efficacy in EGFR mutation-positive non-small-cell lung cancer based on T790M status after disease progression during EGFR-TKI treatmen


氏名 ご所属 演題名
足立 雄太 愛知県がんセンター研究所
EMT is a cause of both intrinsic and acquired resistance to KRAS G12C inhibitor in KRAS G12C mutant NSCLC
伊藤 卓彦 国立がん研究センター中央病院 Predictive role of tumor location in 1st-line treatment of colorectal cancer: a multicenter retrospective study of JSCCR
坂田 能彦 済生会熊本病院 呼吸器内科 OSImertinib For Advanced non-small cell lung Cancer as first-line Treatment in real world setting (OSI-FACT)
鈴木 章浩 横浜市立大学附属病院 肝胆膵消化器病学 Defined Lifestyle and Germline Factors Predispose Asian Populations to Gastric Cancer
平林 茂樹 京都大学 血液・腫瘍内科 Impact of pre-transplant minimal residual disease on clinical outcome of unrelated HSCT in patients with Ph+ ALL
森田 侑香 がん・感染症センター都立駒込病院 腫瘍内科 Impact of pegfilgrastim on relative dose intensity and outcomes of R-CHOP for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Ahmed Abdelsalam Associate consultant of pediatric oncology at Children’s
Cancer Hospital Egypt (CCHE 57357).
Outcome of Unilateral Retinoblastoma: A 10- years Experience at Children’s Cancer Hospital in Egypt ( CCHE )
Gunn Huh Department of Internal Medicine, Liver Research Institute,
Seoul National University Hospital,
Seoul National University College of Medicine
Gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel for second-line therapy of pancreatic cancer: a phase II, single-arm, multicenter study
Nutthaporn Chandeying Gynecologic oncology unit,
Department of obstetric and gynecology ,
Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University
Comparison of psychological, exercise, and music treatments for children and adolescence with cancer: A Meta-analysis
Jessa Gilda Pandy(※) Section of Medical Oncology,
St. Luke’s Medical Center
Risk Factors and Clinical Outcomes of Systemic Cancer Treatment Delay among Cancer patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Timotius Hariyanto(※) Faculty of Medicine, Pelita Harapan University The Impact of Chemotherapy for Cancer Patients With COVID-19 on Severity and Mortality Outcomes: A Meta-Analysisc







